V0.3. Prototyping comes to an end : Dawn of the design !

Hello adventurer,
The third version of our prototype is now released, and with it a lot of major advancment.
First thing first, we finally decided exactly what the mechanics of our game would be. We also started to prototype actual puzzles based on the mechanics we have implemented. But that's not it, we also focused on the art direction this week. We made our first character design prototypes and have a clearer idea of what the environment of the game will look like.
More on this just below :

It's becoming mechanical :
Limitng ideas can sometimes be really hard, especially when we are working on a project as inspiring as we do. With our base idea of having a fan character and a powerbank charcter, the team came up with so much gameplay ideas that we could fulfill a book (probably a really tiny book, but a book anyway). We reasonably don't have the time to implement all these ideas, so we really had to focus on which we thought were the most important ones.

Firstly, for the fan character, we decided of the following abilities : he can blow, to move itself, the ohter character, object in the levels and activate mechanisms. It is also possible for this character to go into aim mode, with that system it isn't moved away when it blows and it has the ability to throw nail. If a nail hits a certain surface, it creates a platform usable by the other player.
When designing this character's abilities, we really wanted to make him act as a sttrong utilitary support character, the fan is here to create opportunities of movement for the other player. Also, we introduced a new mechanic, now blowing costs energy to the fan character.

On the other hand, we have the powerbank, it is lighter character with more mobility. It still has the ability to jump and to glid. It also can throw elctric orb that can activate mechanisms and stun enemies. The enmies can steal powerbank energy and make it explode. It also has the ability to transfer its energy to the other character, both player are stuck during the transfer.

We want to finish this section to all the interesting mechanics that we unfortunatly couldn't keep for the project, but that could appear maybe in later updates :

  • Both players are connected to each other with a cable
  • Fan's projectile can can cut ropes
  • Eelctric character can connect itself to electric devices to control them.

Let's puzzle you :

If you want to see more about the puzzles we realized, we encourage you to watch the atteched videos. Here is a brief summary of the puzzles we created :

  • We mixed the moving platform mechanics and the fan's projectile mechanic to create a platformmer challenge.
    Here we wanted to demonstrate how nail mechanic can be used in combination with other mechanics.
  • The powerbank can activate walls to make them move in a maze and let the fan pass.
    We wanted to create a puzzle only based on the mechanisms and switches and in which both player should be active at the same time.
  • A small arena with a few enemies.
    This arena is there to showcase enemies behaviour.
  • A puzzle where fan can create bridges by pusing crates in holes.
    This puzzle is there to show how the object from the enivronment can be used in a useful way.
  • Both the fan and the powerbank activate mechanisms in a maze to move a crate.
    We wanted to show how activate mechanisms can influence the environment.

Two characters in hand is worth one in the bush:

We wanted the game style to be cute and simple, so it fits for all age groups. Both character will be round and friendly-looking with adorable faces as computer screens. They are both humanoid looking robots.

The more agile battery will be cylindrical and battery-shaped, with symbols to show that it has electrical powers. The battery has two legs and two arms to perform all the neccessary movement. It's face reflects it's speedy character: it is a rounded rectangle with more width at the top.

The fan, unlike the battery, does not have limbs. How will he move? By hovering! The fan is also equiped with three blades. The fan is tanky but very slow, it's face is rectangular with the bottom being more prominent, making it look heavy.

Environmentally accurate:

The game is set to be in an urban environment, on rooftops above the clouds. We hope you don't have vertigo, because the fog below makes it impossible to see how high up you are. 

It's commonly known that buildings tend to be very straight, rectangular and boring looking. Function over form, right? No! In our game we want the buildings to look interesting, so they will be tapered, have beveled edges and overall wonky shapes. 

The scene is set to be early afternoon on a sunny day. We made sure the lighting fits this mood. The shadows have that nice colored edge that every artist loves.

Questionning the camera:
For our game, we really want to avoid splitscreen, we want that the players can access at the same information at any time. Unfortunately this kind of camera really come to a challenge when the time has come to aim. We definitly still have to think about this camera to make it the more accurate and pleasant to use without loosing too much information.

If you read until here, thank you for your attention, we hope you like our project until now.
See you next week !


BlowIt-v0.3.zip 27 MB
Mar 21, 2024

Get Blow It !

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