V1.0 Official Release !

After around three month of hard of hard work, the day has finally come, Blow It is officially out ! (cheers !)

With all the team we are really proud of this project, and we hope that you will enjoy it!
We didn’t implement that much in the past few days, we mainly worked on bug fixing, play testing and adjusting to make the game as enjoyable as possible.

Anyway, we still added some noticeable elements in the game.

Projectiles indicators:
Start from now, there is an UI on the top of the fan’s head to show the amount of projectiles it has in stock.
The fan has a small fan icon on the top of its head that has as much blades as the fan has projectiles in stock.

Haptic feedback:

We also added haptic feedback in the game, in order to give more responses of what the player is currently doing. For example, from now, when the fan flows, its controller will start to vibrate.

Recharge particles:
Also, we have seen that it wasn’t always clear that the battery was recharging in sun, we added a particle effect on the top of its head to show this charging.

Background effects :
We tried to make the background more living. So, we added multiple animations in the background. For example, as you can see on the previous gif, the plants are now slightly moving.
We also adde dparticles in the background. Again on the previous gif, you can also see wind effect in the background. We tried to place these wind effects so they indicate to the players the way to follow.

Give me a sign :

During playstests, we discovered that it wasn't always easy for the player to know where they had to go. So, we've added multiple signs in the level in order to help the player.

Logic refactor:
These past few days, we also slightly refactored some puzzles. But I'll let you play the game to discover what changes have been made!

Bug fixing :
We found a lot of minor bugs that we fixed. These were generally some small visual bugs like, for example, particles that weren't launching at the correct moment.

Sound fixing:
We didn't added new sounds to the game, but we adjusted all the sounds in the game but we adjusted them. Some of them had a way to high volume and where hiding the others.

Release work :
We also worked hard to prepare the release. We have a brand new Itch.io page that is much more cleaner and with a better aesthetic than it had before and that bring you in the universe of our game.

The release was also the occasion to work on a brand new trailer that you can watch just here :

And that's already the end !
One more time, thank you so much for having followed the development of this game.
In the team, we all hope that you will take as many pleasure to play it that we took to create it!

Thank you for the support !
The Blow It! team


BlowIt-v1.0.2.zip 95 MB
29 days ago

Get Blow It !

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