# Animation Overhaul:

To address concerns about animation visibility, significant changes were made to character and enemy animations. We refined animations to ensure they are more noticeable from the camera angle, enhancing player immersion. Extra idle animations were added to add depth to character personalities. Additionally, a stun animation was introduced for enemies to provide clearer feedback during combat encounters. Environmental animations, such as the rotating and dropping of the fan, were also implemented to enrich the game world.

# Particle Enhancements:

  • A variety of particle effects were integrated into the game to enrich the visual experience and provide clearer feedback to players.
  • Added a particle effect for the shooting of the fan blade, enhancing the impact of combat actions.
  • Introduced particles for significant events such as when the fan gets dropped or when the player falls back on the ground after jumping, adding visual flair to gameplay.
  • Implemented a particle system for the fan's jetpack, activating during jumping and gliding sequences to enhance immersion.
  • Added a particle effect to indicate the speed of the fan when gliding, aiding players in understanding their movement capabilities.
  • Introduced particles underneath characters to maintain visibility, especially during flight sequences, ensuring players always know their position in the game world.

# Level Design Advancements:

  • The development team embarked on creating the final scene of the game, bringing the best puzzle ideas into one cohesive level.
  • Implemented a variety of puzzle concepts to diversify gameplay and challenge players with new mechanics and interactions.
  • Focused on creating puzzles that require synchronization between players, minimizing waiting times and promoting cooperative play.
  • Introduced new building types and environmental models to enrich the scene, including rooftops, water towers, satellite dishes, and more.
  • Updated existing puzzle elements, such as the maze and rotating platforms, to enhance their visual appeal and gameplay functionality.

# Stunning Visuals:

  1. Models were made to enhance the level because up until now it was really empty models like 
    A rooftop entrance
    A water tower
    A satellite dish
    Hanging clothes
    A bucket Wood pallet
    Different types of vents
    A construction crane
    A football with a goal

# Sound Integration:

  • This week, the focus shifted towards adding sound elements to the game to enhance player immersion and provide valuable feedback.
  • Recognizing the importance of audio cues in gameplay, efforts were made to source copyright-free sounds from the internet.
  • Although lacking a dedicated sound designer, the team curated and edited sounds to suit the game's atmosphere and mechanics.
  • Collaboratively, the development team implemented sound triggers to ensure that audio elements play at appropriate moments, enriching the overall gameplay experience.

# Bug Fixing Marathon:

  • A significant portion of the development effort this week was dedicated to bug fixing, particularly addressing issues related to physics.
  • The team encountered numerous bugs that affected the game's physics systems, requiring thorough investigation and correction.
  • As the project progresses, the consequences of early code shortcuts and mistakes became more pronounced, highlighting the importance of clean and efficient code practices.
  • Modifying values or making changes in one part of the codebase often led to unforeseen consequences elsewhere, necessitating careful debugging and testing procedures to maintain stability.

# Technical Improvements:

  • Developed a split-screen feature to address issues with player depth perception during gameplay.
  • Implemented distance checks to trigger split-screen mode when players move too far apart, enhancing the cooperative experience.
  • Optimized rendering performance by dynamically enabling and disabling cameras as needed, reducing unnecessary rendering overhead.
  • Addressed various bugs, including preventing characters from performing certain actions when not grounded, ensuring a fair gameplay experience for all players.
  • Introduced game states to facilitate easier management of game flow and transitions between different scenes and states.

# End Game Polishing:

  • Added an end screen featuring a "YOU WIN" message and a quit button, providing players with a satisfying conclusion to their journey.
  • Continued polishing and refining various aspects of the game to ensure a polished and enjoyable experience for players.


BlowIt-v0.9.zip 60 MB
41 days ago

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