V0.10. One more update before the end

After such an adventure, our game creation journey is coming to an end.
This week was polish sprint, we adjusted a lot of things, added feedback elements and fixed bugs, in order to make the game as fun as possible.

We still have a few day to improve before the actual release.

Animations for victory pose of the characters have been added to the game. We changed the idle animation of the battery character so that its feet don't slide over the ground when idle. We also added ragdoll to the characters so that when they die its very obvious.

A victory particle has been added for when the players beat the game. We also added a particle for the active fan so you see that there is a wind tunnel. We also added a hit particle for when the blades of the fan hit a wall. Particles have been added for when the characters are moving (dust for the hovering of the fan and dust for the walking of the battery). And we added wind particles for in the background the fill up our scene. Besides this we changed some of our particles including: The electric orb, jet pack. To make them more visible in our scene and look better in our game.

Sound design :
As part of the polishing process, this week, we implemented multiple sounds in the game. Since we don't have sound designer in the team our process to implement was pretty simple. We were searching for convincing free of use sound effects. Then we edited them a little bit, in order either to make them looped or to cut the part of the audio files we don't need. Then, in the game, we play them when needed. We are not doing much more for the sound editing. In the game engine itself, we had to decide which sounds are important than other sounds, to not make the player overwhelmed by too many informations. The decisions we took in term of sounds were pretty simple, the less important sound are played at a lower volume. Also if a sound is played b an element of the environment, depending of its importance , we tweaked its propagation radius. For all that work, there were only one sound on which we are adding a bit more effect :the alarm that is activated when the player is low in energy. For this, the lowest is the energy level, the lowest the pitch of the sond will be. Due to that, we get two informations in a single sound effect : we are low in energy, and how low we are.

Polish features :
In term of programming, we've added some polish features :

  • When the battery can recharge the fan or when the fan can recall platforms, an image of the input he can press is shown on the top of his head.
  • The explosion orb of the enemy is more transparent, and the light of its ligbulb becomes brighter depending of the amount of nergy it has stolen.
  • The activator now spawn electric sparkles when they are activated.
  • The win animation made by artists is played in the game.

Implementing art :
A big part of the work for this week was also to implement the assets made by artists in the game itself. Particles and animations that were made this week are now in the game and played when it has to be played.

Bug correction and adjustments :
This week we also made a lot of bug correction, in order to make the game as playable as possible. We also adjusted some values in the game to balance it a bit more here are all the bugs we solved :
  • The fan now looses more energy in order to make its use of the wind more precautionous.
  • The moving platforms now correctly push the characters.
  • The electric orb is not deviated by the pressure plates anymore.
  • The rechareg cable connects correctly, and the visual animation is clearer.
  • Added coyote time and jumptime buffer to the battery player in order to make its jump more enjoyable.
  • Corrected the enemy behaviour : when an enemy was following a player and this player was leaving the map, the enemy still tried to follow him. Now, if a player leaves the map, the enemy 'forgets' about this player and goes back to its intial position.
  • In the second puzzle, the walls are going up higher, in order to let a clear view to the players.

Level Design :
In our game, one of the most important point is the level design and it is still one of our weakest point. we worked to solve two problems this week :

  • One of the most important mechanics in our game is the fact that the battery can recharge while in sun, and we aren't even using it. We created a puzzle that playes with light and shadow to showcase and use this mechanic.
  • In our first puzzles (especially in puzzle 3 and 4) the gameplay was pretty boring for the fan,, because it mostly have to wait in these levels. With the information in head, we tried to find solution to make the the fan more mobile. We made some test but still didn't find convincing solution to solve this problem in these puzzles.

UI imporved:

So this week i was more focused on making the game better like main menus in a seprate scenen and adding transitions to them adwell as revamping the menus and fixing alot of bugs with the spawning of players.

And that's all folks.
I hope you enjoyed it, it was our last devlog before de final update.
Thank you for your attention for all these weeks.


BlowIt-v0.10.zip 61 MB
34 days ago

Get Blow It !

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