V0.1 Where everything starts

Hello adventurer, this is nice to see you here.
Do you want to discover  new wondeful games?
Actually, there is no game available here yet...
But a really fun prototype to try, if you want to let it a chance.

In this prototype we made some tests about the main characters movements and their interaction with each other and with the envrionment.
 We hope you will enjoy it !

Here are some questions we try to answer with this prototype :

Unreal or Unity ?

Our decision is still not final yet, but we discovered that Unreal had multiple advantages for our project.

Firstly, since our game will be mainly oriented around wind and electricity mechanics, we will have to make an expensive use of particles to make the game readable and good-looking for the player.
The Niagara system included in Unreal Engine seems to be the best candidate for this task, since it presents way more options of configurations than the particle system from Unity.

Secondly, managing the camera can be complicated, especially in a game like ours, because it will constantly have to calculate the position of two different entities to always have the best angle. From our previous experience, the built-in springarm in unity seems to be the best candidate for this task, since it will be way easier to setup.

One adavantage of Unreal in our case, is also the fact that it offers way more options to modify the shaders and the materials directly in the engine. In a game with a lot of wind and electricty, we will also have to create a lot of shaders.

Also, one of the mechanic we want to implement in the game is a cable that connects both players. Unreal has a built-in tool to manage cable, it will be really handy to us.

Is the players movement fun and controlable ?

One of our biggest question when we came up with this game idea was "Will a fan, which has to blow in the opposite direction to advance, be fun to control ?" We also had to decide how to orient this fan character.

We came up with the following ideas to keep this character controlable.

  • The character can move with the left thumbstick but really slowly, if the player has to do small discplacements, he can do them without it being unfair.
  • The player has to orient his movement with the right thumbstick.
  • The player can activate or deactivate the wind he invokes, he is not 
  • The player can "lock" his position while blowing, to make the movement more controlable.

The electric palyer's movement is more basic, he can move in two dimensions, jump and glide. He can also throw electric balls.

What kind of interaction between player can we have ?

For the moment, the only interaction we tested, is the fact that the wind player is able to push the electric player. It will be helpful when the electric player will have to fly further, but this his also a way for the wind player to annoy his friend, that could be some kind of fun mechanic.

In a near future, we also want to implement the fact that the wind player has a limited amount of energy, and that the electric player is able to recharge him.

Can we think about interesting obstacles ?

We thought about a lot of different obstacles and puzzles, but these aren't in the prototype yet, unfortunately.

  • Crates, that can be pushed by the wind player, he can use it as a way to build some kind of bridge or some construction to go up, but also to protect himself and fight against enemies.
  • Some mechanisms, only activable by electric player and that can open the way for the wind player.
  • Fans, activable by wind player, that can create more air currents in the level.
  • Ennemies that can be pushed away by wind player or exploded by elctric player.
  • Elevators, only usable by wind player but need to be alimented by electric player.

If you read this document so far,
Firstly thank you for your human investment, this is hearth warming.
Also, we hope that our final game will be pleasant to you, and that we will be able to create the most funny game possible out of this prototype.


BlowIt-v0.1.zip 342 MB
Mar 07, 2024

Get Blow It !

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